Radio Image Field Join KC discussion

Since version 2.5 The Radio_image field has a similar function with the radio field. But it used images to create the selection, and show full size when hover on. KingComposer field text

Map Usage:

	'name' => 'field_id',
	'label' => 'Field Label',
	'type' => 'radio_image',  // USAGE TEXT TYPE
	'options' => array(
		'value_1'	=> '/link-of-image-1.png',
		'value_2'	=> '/link-of-image-2.png',
		'value_3'	=> '/link-of-image-3.png',
	'value' => 'DEFAULT-VALUE', // remove this if you do not need a default content
	'description' => 'Field Description',


Register a new shortcode with filed type: radio_image


            // 1st shortcode element
            'my_shortcode' => array(
                'name' => 'My Shortcode',
                'description' => 'This is my shortcode',
                'icon' => 'my-class-icon',
                'category' => 'Content',
                'params' => array(
                    //1st field
                        'name' => 'field_id',
                        'label' => 'Field Label',
                        'type' => 'radio_image',  // USAGE TEXT TYPE
                        'options' => array(
		              'value_1'	=> '',
		              'value_2'	=> '',
                        'value' => 'value_1', // remove this if you do not need a default content
                        'description' => 'Field Description',
                    //2nd field

            // 2nd shortcode element

        ) // End Arrays

} // end my_wp_init()


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