Add Map Join KC discussion

add_map() method enables you to add a new shortcode to KingComposer, then you can use it as an element of KingComposer builder.


	            'name' => '__String__',
	            'description' => '__String__',
	            'category' => '__String__',
	            'icon' => '__string__'
	            'title' => '__String__',
	            'admin_view' => '__String__'
	            'views' => '__Array__'
	            'is_container' => true|fasle, // shortcode container such as [name]...[/name]
	            'system_only' => true|false,  // set true to not visible in list of adding elements
	            'filter' => '__String__', // PHP function name, data will be run through this filter before process

	            'nested' => true|false, // allow add elements into your element

	            'accept_child'    => 'kc_column_text,kc_title', // use for nested element
	            'except_child'	=> '',
	            'accept_parent'	=> '',
	            'except_parent'	=> '',

	            // Since ver 2.6.4
	            // Only load assets when using this element
	            'assets' => array(
	                'scripts' => array(
	            	    'handle-js-id' => '',
 	            	    'jquery' => '', // Leave empty to call the registered scripts          	            
	                'styles' => array(
	            	    'handle-css-id' => '',
 	            	    'jquery-ui' => '', // Leave empty to call the registered styles          	            

	            'params' => array(
	                    'name' => '__slug__',
	                    'label' => '__String__',
	                    'type' => '__Param Types__',
	                    'description' => '__String__',
	                    'name' => '__slug__',
	                    'label' => '__String__',
	                    'type' => '__Param Types__',
	                    'description' => '__String__',
	            // OR build params under groups
 	            'params' => array(
	                'group 1' => array(
		                    'name' => '__slug__',
		                    'label' => '__String__',
		                    'type' => '__Param Types__',
		                    'description' => '__String__',
		                    'name' => '__slug__',
		                    'label' => '__String__',
		                    'type' => '__Param Types__',
		                    'description' => '__String__',
	                'group 2' => array(
		                    'name' => '__slug__',
		                    'label' => '__String__',
		                    'type' => '__Param Types__',
		                    'description' => '__String__',
		                    'name' => '__slug__',
		                    'label' => '__String__',
		                    'type' => '__Param Types__',
		                    'description' => '__String__',




	                'name' => 'Icon',
	                'description' => __('Display single icon', 'KingComposer'),
	                'icon' => 'sl-paper-plane',
	                'category' => 'Content',
	                'params' => array(
	                        'name' => 'icon',
	                        'label' => 'Select Icon',
	                        'type' => 'icon_picker',
	                        'admin_label' => true,
	                        'name' => 'icon_size',
	                        'label' => 'Icon Size',
	                        'type' => 'text',
	                        'admin_label' => true,
	                        'description' => __('Enter font-size for icon such as: 15px, 1em ..etc..', 'KingComposer')
	                        'name' => 'icon_color',
	                        'label' => 'Icon Color',
	                        'type' => 'color_picker',
	                        'admin_label' => true,
	                        'description' => __('Set color for icon', 'KingComposer')
	            ),  // End of elemnt kc_icon 

	    ); // End add map
	} // End if



  1. Name [string]: Displays the shortcode name in the list of items.
  2. Description [string]: ]: Displays additional statement.
  3. Category [string]: Groups elements into a tab.
  4. Title [string]: Element title which will be displayed on popup editor.
  5. Icon [string]: Class name to display as element icon.
  6. Admin_view [string]: Removes this option if you don't need it. Read about admin_view.
  7. Views [array]: Removes this option if you don't need it. Read about Views.
  8. Is_container [boolean]: The default value is false. The container shortcode should be inserted into [name]shortcode[/name] and the single shortcode should be inserted into [name param="shortcode"]
  9. Css_box [boolean]: The default value is false. It allows you to add CSS via editting popup.
  10. System_only [boolean]:The default value is false. The elements are used in the system only, they aren't shown on the list of elements. For example shortcode [tab].
  11. Nested [boolean]: Allows add another elements inside your element.
  12. Assets [array]: Only load scripts and styles when using this element.
  13. accept_child|accept_parent|except_child|except_parent [string]: Restrictive element inside nested elements.
  14. Filter [string]: PHP Function. You can use this method to filter any shortcodes before executing. Read more about Shorcode Filter
  15. Params [array]: Registers parameters for shortcode.
    • params > name [slug]: Uses it as an ID of parameter (slug string)
    • params > label [string]: Label on editing.
    • params > type [string]: Please check all of Available Param Types.
    • params > value [string]: Default value for this parameter, Remove this if you do not need default value.
    • params > options [array]: List of options for some parameter types such as select, radio, checkbox..etc..
    • params > relation [array]: Creates the relationship between parameters. For example if the parameter A is set yes, parameter B will be displayed.


KingComposer Add Map

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